You‘ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers. WPC Member FAQs.
Whether you’re a long-standing WPC member or new to our organization, you may have some questions such as: how to go about inviting a prospective new member or guest to one of our meetings; how to change your contact information; where to find Zoom links to meetings; Membership Dues; attending Executive Committee meetings; and how to get more involved in the WPC. To help answer these questions, check out the FAQs here: WPC FAQs
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Now, more than ever, is the time to engage politically.
We will continue to use our voices – and resources – to elect women candidates at all levels of government, who support reproductive rights, pay equity, and human and civil rights.
Get to Know the Candidates
To get the most out of our member meetings, be sure to check out the candidates’ profiles in advance. Go to the Pending Candidate section and click on individual candidates to learn about their backgrounds, key issues, and races — which will enable you to ask them informed, insightful questions. There, you’ll also find links to visit their websites and to make additional donations if you’d like.